Saturday, September 05, 2009

`` Knowledge skills .

I gain-ed , learnt , remembered .
make perfect isn't it ? Well, I had my first experience of cooking Crepe Suzette in front of guests. Seriously, I should thank my " brother ", Himansu for standing beside me. Becoz' without him , I guess , I would screw up my cooking & the sauce would not have tasted so nice too. Hahs ! I was indeed nervous but more practices would gain my confidence level . This was the best sauce I had ever tasted so far. (:

It's an achievement I've made. But still , I have lots to learn. 2 more months left to go . I'm gonna take every opportunity to learn as much as I can. Though time is short, but there's still room for improvement in every way.

" Learning everyday in everyway ,
Remembering all the importance that needs to be noted. "

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