Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Wake up. Eat. Study. Sleep.
Here's my daily routine now for this entire week. Grounding myself at home, mugging hard for my exam.

I'm a practical person, never a person who does well for theory.
Therefore, I never like exams, never LOOOOVE it.
That stress & tension that occurs inside you, whooosh! Can simply drive you nuts!

To lighten my mood a little, I pop some petit plus cheese flavor snack to ease my hungry growling stomach. This is my all time favorite snack! Once you put that ONE biscuit in your mouth, you never wanna stop. Hehehe! Love it! ❤

Go try if you have not!
Trust me, you will fall in love with this snack! Especially for those who are cheese lovers!
Alright, back to mugging for now till Sat!
All the best to me for my paper! (:


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